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We turn SHERQ problems into possibilities!
  • ISO 45001 –Health & Safety MS -Occupational Health & Safety Act

    The ISO 45001  standard  was developed in response to customer requirement for a recognizable occupational health management system standard against which their management systems can be assessed and certified. The ISO 45001 specification can be applied to any company that wishes to; establish a health & safety system to eliminate or minimize risk to people working for or on behalf of the company; implement, maintain and continually improve your health & safety system; demonstrate your health & safety performance and compliance with your health & safety policy to all people working for or on behalf of your company; and obtain certification of your system.
  • ISO 39001 – Road Traffic Safety Management Systems

    ISO 39001 – Road Traffic Safety Management System – Requirements with guidance for use is particularly focused on companies involved in road transport of people and goods, road designers, road builders and road traffic management. It is one of the first ISO systems following the new 10 point format. The benefits are saving lives and reducing accidents; reducing vehicle repair and maintenance bills; the potential lowering of insurance premiums; demonstrate commitment and enhance reputation; access to tender processes, new market opportunities; promotional purposes; mechanism to comply the regulatory obligation; reduce risk of being sued for accidents; consistency of approach within and across organization; differentiation in the market place/market advantage
  • ISO 31000 & ISO 31010 – Risk Management Systems

    ISO 31000 is the Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines; Since all activities of every company includes some level of risk, the only way to manage risk by identifying it, analyzing it and then evaluating whether the risk should be modified by what level of risk treatment in order to satisfy their risk criteria. The relationship between the principles for managing risk, the framework in which it occurs and the risk management processed is described in this ISO standard. ISO 31010 Risk Management – Risk assessment techniques; Risk management includes the application of logical and systematic methods for communicating and consulting throughout the risk reduction / elimination process; establishing the context for identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating risk associated with any activity, process function or product; monitoring and reviewing risks; reporting and recording the results appropriately. Risk assessments attempt to provide answers to what can happen, what are the consequences, the probability of occurrence and what can be done to mitigate the consequences of the risk or reduce the probability of the risk.
  • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management – National Environmental Management Act

    The core objectives of the new ISO 14001:2015 are to improve the connection between environmental and businesses priorities; the increase transparency and accountability in environmental management; highlight the positive contribution of environmental management system standards; clarification of the requirements for an improvement in environmental performance; strengthening of the relationship between environmental management and the core business at a strategic level; establishment of ISO 14001, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises; highlighting the concept of life cycle assessment and considering the value chain with a view towards the identification and assessment of environmental impacts of products and accommodating a request to create an external communication strategy ISO 14001 basically stands on two pillars namely; The first pillar is development and implementation of a system to manage significant environmental aspects; the second pillar is compliance with legal and other requirements.
  • CEIS – Community Emotional Intelligence Series (also known as The 7 Powers in Life)

    Working in groups / communities provides collaboration, a shared purpose, learn to disagree respectfully, working together and creating a safe and productive environment. This is due to the self-knowledge of individuals, their commitment and empathy. Everybody who works to reduce accidents and improve safe performance is concerned with human behavior. “Behavior and accidents is what it’s all about,” is a commonly heard phrase. Benefits of our CEIS program not only include a reduction of incidents, accidents, and injuries, the improved communication is obvious, as is the increased observation and leadership skills. The traditional approaches to Behaviour Based Safety state that unsafe acts are the root cause of most incidents and that for every accident there is more than one unsafe behaviour. If you are thinking: “Yes, that is fine but I am not in a mining operation or in a production plant, my drivers are all over the country, so the buddy system will not work for us…” Many years of experience showed that if a person’s core believes are identified and work with, it is natural for them to value their lives and the lives of others. We quote per number of employees and type of business, so give us a call………………
  • ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System

    ISO 9001:2015 Quality management System basically stands on two pillars namely; to provide consistent products and /or quality of customer service and the second pillar to continually improve both, hence consistently and continually achieving better results.  We implement systems suitable for the size and complexity of your company.
  • Integrated System

    It was not always easy but the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committee issued the high level structure Annex SL and it will be mandatory for all ISO management system standards going forward. It is still based on the plan -do -check -act (PDCA) method, with a slightly revised layout. The structure includes; 0. Introduction 1. Scope 2. Normative references 3. Terms and definitions 4. Context of the organization 5. Leadership 6. Planning 7. Support 8. Operation 9. Performance evaluation 10. Improvement. So, now your SHERQ system can follow the above 10 points and voilla, all your documents now has a place, a systemic structure, it can be as simple as adding a few paragraphs placed strategically in various documents and you have an integrated system.
  • SQAS

    Safety and Quality Assessment Series for Road Transporters. Under Management Responsibilities we have Company Policies, Roles and Responsibilities; SHERQ structures and Training. Performance Analysis includes Objectives and Targets; Management Reviews and Internal Audits. Under Risk Management one will find Emergency Preparedness and Response; Behaviour Based Safety and a little on Waste management. Equipment Inspection and Maintenance is a big one with a little on Statutory inspections and management of Measuring equipment. Pillar four deals with Planning and Operations in great detail and in all areas. Security in certain parts of the world is important and for certain high value loads being transport it is of critical importance